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Rješenja prilagođena vašem sektoru djelovanja

Naš posao je zaštita žena i muškaraca na radnom mjestu.U tu svrhu dizajniramo i proizvodimo cjelovita rješenja individualne i kolektivne zaštite za radnike diljem svijeta.

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We help you to develop your skills through training, our tutorials and our centres of expertise. Easily find all the product and regulatory information relating to our ranges thanks to our download centre.

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Naša misija


Više od 45 godina Delta Plus dizajnira, standardizira, proizvodi i globalno distribuira kompletan set rješenja u osobnoj i kolektivnoj zaštitnoj opremi (PPE) za zaštitu profesionalaca na radu.

Obiteljska povijest


Naša povijest

Discover our range of  Personal Protective Equipments 

We've designed a complete range of PPE to give you comfort and design at work in complete safety.

Discover our fall protection range to enjoy safety when you work at height

We design engineered and user-friendly fall protection solutions perfectly adapted to your needs, requirements and constraints
See all the range
Fall protection

#Enjoy safety

Because personal protective equipment is still too often perceived as a constraint, Delta Plus is committed to offering innovative, quality, easy-to-use, affordable, design and durable solutions.
Find out more

Virtual catalogue 2023

Discover our wide range of PPE from head to toe with our selection aids and technical specifications.

Delta Plus is committed to...


Our products are designed around three key concepts: protection, comfort and design. Each of our solutions is challenged by our research and development experts. This allows us to offer more advanced and differentiating solutions.


Because we manufacture 85% of our products, through our 18 production facilities around the world, we stand behind the quality of our services.


Our offer includes systematic eco-design in each of our specifications, in order to drive our development while limiting our impact on future generations.


The common goal of our product managers and services is to offer reliable, sustainable, high-performance products in compliance with the regulations and/or standards of each territory where they are used.
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The sectors in which we operate

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Our activity




Projects under development per year

+ 7000

product references

Our worldwide presence


production facilities






Expertise #
06.01.25. 15:02

Delta Plus: prilagođena podrška za naše klijente

Kako bi preporučili osobnu zaštitnu opremu koja je savršeno prilagođena potrebama korisnika, Delta Plus je za svoje kupce uspostavio pristup podrške s auditom radne stanice.
Expertise, Fall arrest protection #
27.11.24. 12:23

EPI zaštita od pada: usredotočite se na sidra, spojnice, karabinere i zakretnice

Svaki dio sustava za zaustavljanje pada igra bitnu ulogu u sprječavanju nesreća: usredotočite se na spojne sustave kao što su spojnice i karabineri.
Expertise, Proizvodi #
06.11.24. 14:06

Sve što trebate znati o 3 kategorije osobne zaštitne opreme

jeste li znali Postoje tri kategorije osobne zaštitne opreme (PPE). Što ih čini drugačijima? Kako birate? Bacimo pogled.

Contact us

Our sales and support teams are available to assist you with your projects from Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm


Contact us

Our sales and support teams are available to assist you with your projects from Monday to Thursday: 8:30am -12:00am / 1:30am -5:30pm Friday: 8:30am-12:00am / 1:30pm-5:00pm

