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Nossa missão

Há mais de 45 anos, a Delta Plus projeta, padroniza, fabrica e distribui globalmente um conjunto completo de soluções em equipamentos de proteção individual e coletiva (EPI) para proteger os profissionais no trabalho.

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Nossa história


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Tópico de notícias

EPI Fall arrest: focus on anchors, connectors, karabiners and swivels

Every part of a fall arrest system plays an essential role in preventing accidents: focus on connection systems such as connectors and karabiners.

Delta Plus: tailor-made support for our customers

In order to recommend PPE that is perfectly adapted to the needs of users, Delta Plus has set up a support approach for its customers with a workstation audit.
Produtos,Especialização Vêtement antistatique

EPI non-magnetic, ESD, antistatic... what's the difference?

ESD, non-magnetic or antistatic: which PPE should you choose? To help you find your way around when choosing your equipment, we explain everything.

Work gloves: the EN388 standard is changing

For even greater safety, the EN388 standard is evolving: Delta Plus is bringing its range of work gloves into line.

Discover Delta Plus at Expoprotection Paris 2024

Delta Plus will be present at the Expoprotection Paris international exhibition from 5 to 7 November: come and discover our flagship products and innovations.

Fibre, gauge, coating: how to choose your work gloves?

Work gloves are designed to protect your hands. So it's essential to choose them well. But how do you find your way around the 250 Delta Plus models? We'll explain.

Delta Plus, partner of the Roc d'Azur CIC cycling event

Roc d'Azur CIC, the international mountain bike event, is celebrating its 40th anniversary: Delta Plus is the new official partner. Saddle up!

Coping with heatwaves at work: 10 best practices

Working in heatwaves can be exhausting and even dangerous. Here are 10 things you can do to ensure the comfort and safety of your operators.
Notícias financeiras,Positive impact

EcoVadis CSR Label: a medal for Delta Plus

Delta Plus has just been awarded the Bronze Medal in the EcoVadis global CSR standard

A new R&D centre to design tomorrow's PPE

Focus on the challenges facing the Delta Plus R&D centre in Apt: 1,500 m2 of new premises dedicated to improving the PPE and EPC range.

Climate change: PPE against the cold adapts

Climate change is affecting the seasons and changing the daily lives of outdoor workers: our 2023-2024 winter PPE collection is adapting.
Especialização EPI maintenance - EPI storage - EPO cleaning

5 best practices for maintaining your PPE

Compliance with PPE maintenance and storage instructions is essential if you want to ensure that your PPE is effective, clean and long-lasting. 5 tips to help you.

PPE and CPE: a 360° offer for optimal protection

Delta Plus is committed to building a fall protection offer combining PPE and CPE: discover the complementarity of this equipment.
Evento,Delta Plus Inside CEO Jérôme Benoit at his desk

Olympic Games 2024 - Jérôme Benoit, Olympic torchbearer

This Wednesday 19 June, Jérôme Benoit, CEO of Delta Plus Group, will take part in the Olympic Torch Relay in Apt.

The Delta Plus technical training centres

With 6 technical training centres around the world, Delta Plus also teaches you the correct use of fall arrest equipment.

EPI Fall arrest: EN 360 standard evolves, Delta Plus adapts

The EN 360 standard for fall arrest equipment has recently been amended. Delta Plus is developing the PPE concerned.

Dielectric equipment: vital protection

Dielectric PPE is essential for the safety of technicians working on electrical sites. Delta Plus has developed dedicated harnesses and lanyards.

Delta Plus centres of excellence: an example of synergies in the safety footwear segment

Delta Plus is committed to creating synergies to constantly improve its products and innovate to improve the safety of men and women.

Fall Protection Booking Program 2024

We have released our Fall Protection Booking Program. Contact your sales representative for more information
Delta Plus Inside,Evento

Delta Plus launches its new website

Today, we are proud to unveil our brand new website, which brings together under a single banner all the activities of the Delta Plus Group (personal protective equipment and collective protection systems), throughout the world.