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Soluții adaptate la industria dumneavoastră

Sarcina noastră este de a proteja femeile și bărbații la locul de muncă. În acest scop, proiectăm și producem soluții complete de protecție personală și colectivă pentru profesioniștii din întreaga lume.

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Vă ajutăm să vă dezvoltați competențele prin intermediul formării, al tutoriilor noastre și al centrelor noastre de expertiză. Centrul nostru de descărcări vă facilitează găsirea tuturor informațiilor despre produse și reglementări referitoare la gamele noastre.

Misiunea noastră

De peste 45 de ani, Delta Plus proiectează, standardizează, produce și distribuie la nivel mondial un set complet de soluții în domeniul echipamentelor de protecție individuală și colectivă (EPI) pentru protecția profesională la locul de muncă.

Istoricul familiei

Istoria noastră


Standarde şi directive

Ne desfășurăm activitatea pe o piață globală reglementată în numeroase țări. Astfel, trebuie să ne confruntăm cu cerințe care pot fi foarte diferite de la o țară sau regiune la alta.
Obiectivul comun al managerilor noștri de produse și al serviciilor noastre este de a oferi produse fiabile, durabile, de înaltă performanță, în conformitate cu reglementările și/sau standardele din fiecare teritoriu în care sunt utilizate.

Standards and certifications

All you need to know about PPE standards



Equipment consisting of a mobile fall arrester with self-locking, integral with its flexible anchorage line (rope, cable…). An energy reducer (absorber) can be built-in in the equipment.


Equipment consisting of a mobile fall arrester with self-locking, integral with its rigid anchorage line (rail, cable…). An energy reducer can be built-in on the equipment.


Body securing device intended to stop falls. The full body harness can be made of straps, buckles and other elements; set and adjusted in a right way on the body of an individual to secure him during a fall and afterwards.


Beschrijft de artikelen en de situaties voor individuele bescherming tegen valrisico’s.


Taking into account the level of risk covered, the Regulation defines the PPE categories and determines the various manufacturer’s obligations:
PPE category 1: Protection against minor risks.
PPE category 2: All PPE that are not category 1 or 3.
PPE category 3: Protection against disability or fatality

THE REGULATION (European Union)

Its objective is to develop test methods and requirements in the form of standards defining the technical specifications of products. Some of them, mostly requirements standards, are harmonised with
EU Regulation 2016/425. Compliance with these harmonised standards gives an assurance of compliance with the requirements of EU Regulation 2016/425


• Category 1 PPE: Evaluation of conformity by the manufacturer (Module A)

• PPE category 2 and 3: EU type examination of the PPE (Module B) by a notified independent body for which compliance (with Regulation EU 2016/425) is verified using standards that are in accordance
with the regulation. Issuance of the EU Type Examination Certificate (confidential document).
• PPE category 1, 2 and 3: CE marking on the product.
• PPE category 3: Control by a notified independent body that ensures compliance of the manufacture with the examined PPE:
- either monitoring of conformity to the type based on the internal control of production and supervised controls of the product at random intervals (Module C2),
- or conformity to the type based on quality assurance of the production method (Module D).
• PPE category 1, 2 and 3: Writing by the manufacturer of the EU Compliance Declaration which proves the compliance of the PPE with Regulation EU 2016/425 to the distributor and the market
enforcement authorities.
The product sheet, the user instructions and the Declaration of Conformity are available online on our website: www.deltaplus.eu


Connection element or equipment component. A connector can be karabiner or a snap hook.
Class A: Anchorage connector, automatic lock used as the component and designed to be connected directly to a specific type of anchorage.
Class B: Primary connector with automatic lock used as the component.
Class M: Multi-purpose connector, primary or quick opening, used as a component, which can be loaded along its major axis or minor axis.
Class Q: Quick opening connector used in long-term or permanent applications, screw lock. When completely screwed this part is a supporting part of the
Class T: Manufactured end connector, automatic lock, designed as part of a subsystem for attachment so that the load is carried in a predetermined direction.


Connection elements or equipment component. A lanyard can be in rope made of synthetic fibres, in metallic rope, in strap or in chain.
CAUTION: A lanyard without energy absorber must not be used as a fall arrest equipment.


A work positioning system consists of elements (belt and work positioning line), joined together to form a complete piece of equipment.


Element of a fall arrester system to which a personal protective equipment can be fastened.
Type A - NON PPE : Anchor device with one or more stationary anchor points with the need of a structural anchor.
Type B: Anchor device with one or more stationary anchor points without the need of a structural anchor.
Type C - NON PPE : Anchor device employing a flexible anchor line with maximum deviation of 15°.
Type D - NON PPE : Anchor device employing a rigid anchor line with maximum deviation of 15°.
Type E: Anchor device for use on surfaces with a maximum slope of 5°.